Sunday, September 21, 2008

Teiam Player: one new track and two gigs this week

Monday night I'm rocking at Natt Spil. Yes, it's a Monday, but no, you probably have nothing better to do, because.... it's a Monday. So come out.

And Friday night, this:

I am, humbly, the opening set, just as it says on that thar flyer. So what? I'ma tear the motherfucking roof off that place, before the main acts.


And here's a song I won't play Friday night [maybe Monday night], the latest Teiam Player action. Stream/download:

It's a little TV on the Radio action, "Dancing Choose" from their [awesome!] new album Dear Science, supplemented with some R.E.M and Billy Joel. Word. Original working title was "Dancing Didn't Start the End of the World Fire" if that gives any clues as to what tracks it features.


Two more things before I tuck myself in.

1. I went skydiving on Saturday. It ranks right up there with moonlight sex, and enjoying fresh mozarella and vino with friends in a park in Italy as some of the best moments in my life.

Except that it totally blows cheese/wine out of the water.

2. Get a load of these.



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