Cambridge, Mass's
Passion Pit is mostly this guy, Michael Angelakos. He likes to sing like a girl and, apparently, flail his arms in the air while he does so.
I don't really care what he does with his arms, or voice, just so long as he keeps pumping out the sweet poppy jams like he does the Passion Pit debut EP Chunk of Change [which was, allegedly, first recorded as a valentine for his valentine].
At times the Pit sounds like Prince, and on "Smile Upon Me" I hear Ben Gibbard, which makes it sound a bit like a Postal Service track, and just as emo. But that's not a bad thing.
Standout track "Sleepyhead" has been blogged to death lately, but don't be afraid of the hype. I've had this song on repeat for two straight days, and been passing it along to everyone I know.
Buy Chunk of Change:
Here is a random bag of other goodies that I've been listening to over the past week. Some are old and questionable, but they take you on a rollercoaster ride over the course of an hour or so. As always, download all, and the Passion Pit tunes above, in one handy ZIP, linked at the bottom.
constantly listening to Department of Eagles the past couple months really made me want to listen to their sunblissed harmonizing inspirators
I've been listening to this album/mix of Rupture since I got it a few days ago. Solid dubstep beats and collages
I'm not sure about this whole EoDMetal thing, the QotSAge side project, but I like this track
Yes, srsly
Ever since I heard "In the Hall" on Mad Men a few weeks back, I sought out the great tune [which was employed au parfait in the MM scene], and this version is one of my favorites
I'm not yet convinced the new album Just a Souvenir is a masterpiece, but this is good
The Onion made fun of SD this week, and I had to pay some homage
Journey frontman rocks solo, too
One of the best holiday songs penned since 1845
Awesomely chilled beats from my man in Chicago, sequenced to perfection
Go buy:
If you happen to be reading this Friday the 14th and are in or around Madison, come round to 152 E Gorham to celebrate, among other things, two birfdays.