Sunday, November 9, 2008

Horse Feathers and Department of Eagles: repeating old stuff and newer versions of old stuff

I saw my favorite I'm-kinda-done-with-Iron-&-Wine-but-I-still-dig-that-hushed-and-falsettoed-voice-and-guitar-stuff artist Horse Feathers last week and got two friends hooked on them. I had gone to the little bar they played at here in Madison a few hours before the show, and sure enough they were there doing a soundcheck. 

I really wanted to stay for the entire thing, but I felt kinda creepy, since I was the only one besides lead feather Justin Ringle and his two troubadors Heather Broderick [squatting skirted, on cello] and Nathan Crockett [killing it on the saw, doesn't even look old enough to drive] and the sound guy. [sidenote: is it just me or don't their names sound just a little Dickensian?] 

So anyway, I watched them play a few songs during that soundcheck, pretending the whole time they were playing just for me, and then I went home, listened to some more, and returned to the show, friends-cum-HF-fans in tote. And after the awesome show [I'm not a show reviewer, sorry], I went back home and listened to more.

But thanks to the show, as it usually happens after seeing an artist live, I have a few new favorites, and it's those I'm going to share with you. All of these below can be found on either of HF's two albums, 2006's Words Are Dead, or this year's House With No Name. You'll need both.

Horse Feathers - Finch on Saturday
Horse Feathers - Mother's Sick
Horse Feathers - Rude to Rile
Horse Feathers - Walking and Running
Horse Feathers - Working Poor
Horse Feathers - This is What


Department of Eagles were featured recently at Daytrotter, and they played a new [to us] song that's not on the [prematurely-but-accurately-awarded OHWNT Album of the Year] In Ear Park, and another one that's been floating around [but also not on IEP]. Here they is:

Department of Eagles - What is Your Deal
Department of Eagles - 1997

Late addition:
Department of Eagles - Deadly Disclosure [direct-link right-click save-as mp3, via]

Go to Daytrotter, read his little schpeel, which is always well-written, and download the rest of the band's set. Direct link.


Go. Buy. Albums:


Go on now, get off it.


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